Participant Profile

Platform for Interdisciplinary Practice Open Place

Ukraine / Poland

Due to Russia’s war against Ukraine, the team of Open Place – Yulia Kostereva and Yuriy Kruchak – originally based in Kyiv, Ukraine, is currently divided between Poland and Ukraine

The Platform for Interdisciplinary Practice Open Place is an artistic initiative, which aims to facilitate discussions, exchange of opinions, ideas and experiences between artists, curators, and various social groups from across Ukraine and other countries. The platform organizes meetings and conducts joint events to foster the development of art, politics and socio-cultural transition. Open Place brings together the experiences of Ukrainian and international colleagues working in public spaces, as well as with participatory practices and strategies for engaging diverse social groups. The platform strives to create a cultural environment, where society is an active participant in cultural events, a co-creator of common values, artistic events and cultural context.

Open Place is a member of the Art Prospect Network.


Art Prospect Network Residency at Open Place

Art residencies are an important part of Open Place’s activities. Open Place supports interdisciplinary projects aimed at the expansion of art-making concepts and the engagement of new groups of people into the creative process. We are interested in the experience of international colleagues working with socially minded practices and how they use participatory art and engage different social groups.

Open Place works on researching practices of collective coexistence, building horizontal structures, and peer-to-peer learning. A significant part of Open Place’s activities is aimed at building connections between different social and professional groups, different contexts, and different types of knowledge.

The goal of the residency is to exchange knowledge and practical experience, examine the specifics of various local contexts, and develop new methods in the field of socially engaged art. Open Place is attentive to the ideas and practices of its residents. For its part, the residency program helps artists to explore the context and forge links with the artistic and research milieu upon their needs. Applicants can also propose a topic for a lecture, presentation, discussion, workshop or the idea of a project that engages communities. We are particularly looking for applications from artists and curators who are interested in development and transformation of contemporary interdisciplinary practices, focused on working with communities, and the topic of inclusion.