Participant Profile

Kala Art Institute

United States

Kala Art Institute was founded in 1974 by artists Archana Horsting and Yuzo Nakano as an international artist residency program rooted in the local community and a forum for ideas. Over five decades, Kala Art Institute has grown from a garage studio with one etching press and a single hot plate to a 15,200 sq. ft. facility in the historic West Berkeley Heinz building with specialized art-making equipment for artists working in and across all forms of printmaking, digital media, film/video, book arts, photography, public art, installation, and performance. Kala has grown steadily in the breadth of its offerings and in the size of its operation, yet remains true to its mission to be a workshop of ideas and to engage the community through artist residencies, arts education, exhibitions and public programs.

Kala Art Institute has been hosting ArtsLink International Fellows since 2006. Ellen Lake, Co-Director at Kala Art Institute, runs the Fellows’ residencies.
