The international eco-art festival “Interpreting the History of Pollution – Art Prospect & TRASH-5” in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on September 20 – October 22, 2023 brought over fifty artists from seven countries to create contemporary art installations, performances, and public educational events. Listen to a podcast by Cathy Byrd (Fresh Art International) featuring some of the participating artists and activists – Bermet Borubaeva, Ellen Harvey, sTo Len, Ronja Roemmelt, Mishiko Sulakauri, Aimeerim Tursalieva, and Begimai Zhunusova. For a deeper look into one of the Festival’s projects that remains open to the public – Trash Museum of Bishkek created by US artist sTo Len in collaboration with local activists, artists and sanitation workers – check out the recently published zine.

At the intersection of art, science, and trash, the Festival promoted a better understanding of pollution, waste management, and strategies to deal these intractable world-wide issues. At the Oak Park gallery and other venues and public spaces in Bishkek, exhibitions focused the public’s attention on the morphology of trash and global waste and encouraged the audience’s understanding of the impact of the pollution on their communities. In Altyn-Kazyk, a settlement on the outskirts of Bishkek near the city landfill where toxic smoke envelopes the area throughout the year, artists worked on site specific installations and performances. Past Trash Festivals organized by BiSCA and local activists have brought attention to this environmental and social crisis zone.

“Interpreting the History of Pollution – Art Prospect & TRASH-5”  was produced and curated by CEC ArtsLink, the Bishkek School of Contemporary Art (BiSCA), and Tazar Kyrgyzstan.

Organizers and curators Bermet Borubaeva, BiSCA; Susan Katz, CEC ArtsLink; and Aimeerim Tursalieva, Tazar App, open the Festival

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

Artwork by US artist Ellen Harvey, at the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

US artist sTo Len at the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery 

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

Aimeerim Tursalieva, Tazar App, at the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery 

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

At the Festival opening, the Oak Park gallery and the neighborhood public spaces

Diana Ukhina, artist and curator from Bishkek, DJing at the Festival opening

Bermet Borubaeva, BiSCA, and Simon Dove, CEC ArtsLink, at the Festival opening

Updated January 2024
Field Notes Environment Social Practice